High Desert Emmaus West
The Gospel of Luke (Luke 24: 13-35) records the story of two disciples of Jesus, who were walking along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. As they were sharing their hearts' concerns about the death of Jesus, an unknown person met up with them and explained the scriptures to them as they walked. Later on, as the stranger took bread, blessed, broke and shared it with them, their eyes were "opened" and they recognized that their companion was, in fact, the risen Christ! They rushed back to Jerusalem to share the good news with others.
The Walk to Emmaus program uses this scripture as its focus as the weekend of spiritual edification and enrichment enfolds. During the Walk to Emmaus weekend, members learn, sing, pray and share communion every day. And, of course, enjoy their heartwarming Walk with the risen Christ.
Read the complete Scripture: Luke 24: 13-35

About the High Desert Walk to Emmaus:
High Desert Emmaus West is dedicated to guiding Christians on a transformative journey to deepen their faith and leadership skills. Through the Walk to Emmaus weekends, participants are encouraged to strengthen their connection with God, fostering love and leadership qualities. Serving a vast region from Santa Clarita to Bakersfield, we unite members from diverse local churches in a shared spiritual experience.